Child Care

What is the Child Care Subsidy Program?

The Child Care Subsidy Program offers financial support to help eligible Alberta families cover their licensed child care costs when parents are working, attending school, looking for work or if they require care because they or their child have a special need. The program is intended for low and middle income families with children 0-12 years old. The program has two distinct income thresholds and rates for different age categories.

What is different for Ukrainian evacuees?

Ukrainian evacuees do not need to provide proof of household income. Your children must be 12 years old or younger and not yet in Grade 7. After 12 months, parents must reapply to the Child Care Subsidy program to continue receiving the subsidy. The reapplication process will evaluate the family’s total gross income and other eligibility criteria. Ukrainian evacuees can apply for the subsidy until July 31, 2024, to receive the subsidy for 12 months. 

How to Apply:

Submit the filled out form and a copy of your Alberta Health Care Card by E-mail:
Fax: 780-422-5692

  • Ukrainian evacuees can apply up until July 31, 2024, to receive subsidy for 12 months. 

Please use Adobe Acrobat to fill out the form.